Olhares Transparentes \ Transparent Look

O Congresso Internacional de Sociodrama decorreu entre os dias 12 e 14 de Outubro de 2007, no belo Hotel Riviera, em Carcavelos.

The International Congress of Sociodrama elapsed between the days 12 and 14 of October of 2007, in the beautiful Hotel Riviera, in Carcavelos.

Poderá encontrar toda a informação sobre o programa, workshops e palestrantes aqui.

It will be able to find all the information about the program, workshops and speakers here.

Para fechar da melhor forma este Congresso deixa-mos aqui diversos testemunhos.

First of all I wish to thank you for a warm and well organised conference in a lovely environment. Your gentle stile made us feel comfortable and welcome.
A wish also thank your staff for their dedicated work and patience.
You put Sociodrama on the agenda and I hope that this child will grow and develop. The congress brought back memories from the 70-s and 80-s, when we did a lot of sociodramatic work, at least in Sweden. The Swedish society today is much more individualised and strain and stress at the working places is “cured” by meditation by the individual.
But I think the need to create meeting places and opportunities to discuss common experiences and the need of each other to understand social issues and group relations will raise again.
Thank you for your initiative. The baton is here in Sweden and Finland to organise the next meeting which could be a starting shot for a new beginning.

Warm greetings
Judith Teszáry

Thank you for be the motor of this congres whith lots of effort. Happy to have contribute to the develop and discussion about Sociodrama, and have brought some specific tools that were well recived at my workshop. I have learned a lot from others and some encounters.

We will go on working and teaching Sociodrama.

My best wishes for you and all the energetic portugueses of your team

Pablo Alvarez

I enjoyed the congress and congratulate you for your excellent work in its organization. Hope that the end was also good and that you feel satisfied with everything.

Until we meet next time - Obrigado

Peter Felix

Dear Portugese friends psychodramatists,

thank you so much for this unique experience. I returned to Athens
with the feeling that I was with you for at least a year! So many
things I got from these three days! I believe we will soon meet again.
Someday, somewhere in cosmos. I will be thinking of you and I will be
keeping you in my heart as an example of togetherness. I hope some day
we will manage to become connected here in Greece with my colleagues.
Unfortunately, every one of us plays his/her own tune and it would be
wonderful to have a Greek psychodrama orchestra. You managed to be a
warm hug for all of us and made it possible for this beautiful
atmosphere. Thank you.

My best regards to all of you, to each one of you and to your
wonderful togetherness
Smaroula from Athens

Wow, wonderful development in the expansion of our method and
Moreno's legacy!
thanks so much! I hope to be there next time.


Edward Schreiber
